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Jennifer Jangles Blog

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Hi there! I put a few new items on the website this summer and forgot to mention them. Boy, it was a busy summer! I always play catch-up in August and that's what I am doing now, catching you up on new work.

Remember when I returned from Spring Quilt Market? Yes...that was May....told you I'm playing catch up. I showed you this picture. Here is a pretty cake stand of pin cushion rings.


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Good morning!

Finally, work in the Etsy shop. wahoo!

So we made it through the first day of school. Everyone was a little tired and grumpy last night.
But the boys were up early this morning and excited about going to school again, whew! Fletcher even set his own alarm fifteen minutes earlier than usual so he could get up and shower before us. It was great, but really, is that...

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Hey, Hey, Remember yesterdaysnew bench? It was so easy to build I thought I would pass along some photos. I didn't follow any specific directions so I can't give you exact measurements for cutting wood. I have spent a lot of money getting the store ready and I needed to make the outside look good on a budget. I had made a lot of wood saw horses for tables when setting up the store and we had a...

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Having a hard time waking up today. Yesterday I spent the day working in the yard, I trimmed bushes, used the chain saw to take down some bushes, weeded, mowed, and cleaned things up. Nik, who usually does these kinds of things with me couldn't help. He's got a torn tendon and a couple of buldging discs. He's got one arm strapped to his side in a brace so he doesn't move it.
I have...

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