Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's time for holiday projects again. It's week number 1 and I will be bringing you a new project every week for ten weeks. Sound like fun? Last year I kept the holiday making going for even more projects on the blog and I have a feeling it might happened again this year. For some reason I am in a very making kind of mood this year.
Holiday projects are a bit different this year. They are coming in the emails as a printable PDF. It's easier for you to keep track of them this way. Each week all of the previous projects will be linked in the newsletters as well, so if you sign up late you will still be able to print the previous projects.

The printable pattern is for the Strawberry Tea Towel. These tea towels were all made the same way as the Strawberry towel, but they have different appliques on them. You might recognize them from Stitch Kitsch. These are some of the appliques in the book. I had a blast making all of these and now I am thinking up all of theversions I can make for gifts.

After I made all of these, I wanted to see if I could wash them..... usually you should do that first, but it was a backwards kind of day in the studio, plus I new what everything was made of so I had a pretty good idea it was going to work. And it did!

This is without ironing, straight out of the dryer. It looks just as good as when it went in.
Are you anxious to get started on some tea towels of your own? Here's where you can find some of the supplies....
(remember the strawberry applique and how to sew the ruffle and trim the towels is in the newsletter)