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Am I crazy or Efficient ?

Okay I might be letting you into my crazy world a bit too much here, but I guess that's what blogs are for. To see how people are beyond what they make or do. So let me begin by saying, it's the new year and every year most of us make our New Year's resolutions and goals. I am no different. Every year I say I am going to exercise more, I always start out the year walking, but as soon as spring hits and I am swamped with shows and making beads it quickly ends. I don't sit still very well and you would think exercising would be good for that, but I get bored and I feel like I should be getting something done. So being the multi tasking person that I am, I asked for a exercise bike for my birthday. I got one. It's a recumbent bike, where you sit down and lean back while you ride. I also asked for an adjustable table to go a long side. Now I am able to exercise and e-mail at the same time! How great is that? Well I think it's great. I spent an hour last night riding and ordering supplies. I felt great when I got off, not because I exercised but because I got some things ordered that I have been meaning to do forever. So far everyone that I have told about my contraption thinks I am nuts. Just wondering what you think... Just maybe I will be able to keep my exercising goals this year.

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