This weekend is the Bead Bonanza in Southfield, Michigan. I used to always go to the show, but since our move to Georgia last year it's just too long of a drive. Therefore, I am having an online bead show. What is that you ask? I am not really sure either but the two reasons why I go to bead shows is for the inspiration and not having to pay shipping. I am going to try my best to help. First, I will be posting jewelry ideas for inspiration on my blog all weekend long. I have included seven on this post. Second, I am going to offer free shipping to everyone who mentions they read my blog or my newsletter. If you didn't get my newsletter you should, there was a brand new project sent out today with instructions. Send me an e-mail at jennifer@jangles.net to sign up or click here. Free shipping runs until midnight this Sunday the 9th. Go to the Jangles website.