This comment is one of them. When you read it you will see why I had a huge smile on my face all night. It just makes me all mushy inside. Please read on....
The kits are great! I am so excited - I got your book today - I pre-ordered it and it was waiting on my porch when I got home from work. It was ALL I could do to cook supper for my family before sitting down and reading the ENTIRE book - yes, cover to cover this evening. I am so excited to get started, I can hardly stand it. I have so much to learn and live in a small town, so there is not much support around me. I so wish I could come to the Bead and Button show to see you! For anyone who has not purchased this book - ORDER IT TODAY! Jennifer, you are amazing!
Thanks Robin! You make me happy.....good luck with your bead making and please send me a photo of your first beads.

Have a great day!