Hi everyone, I apologize for the lack of postings. I did make it home from The Puget Sound show. It was fun and my class was great. I got to meet a lot of cool beaders. I also, got to see some old friends. I have to admit I came home and laid low for a few days, this was to catch my breath and clean my studio. It had become a disaster, I am happy to report it is back and order now. Whew!
So after my few days of just getting unpacked and settled I started on my orders. If you've placed one recently a bunch are going out today, woohoo! If you don't get an e-mail from me that means it will be another day or two but not long. I am done with shows for the year so there won't be any more delays in shipping. Yipee!
After all that, my little guy had his tonsils out yesterday. He's doing all right but it is a huge challenge to get the guy to drink and take his medicine. I am spending most of my days fetching Popsicles. I never had mine out but fro what I can tell it seems painful, I am hoping things will get better over the next few days.
Here's a photo of the bracelet that was in the Summer Stringing, I believe it is still on new stands. I love the magazine photo, it had paint brushes and paint all over the page along with my bracelet and some other pieces. It was really bright.
Be back soon!