Good morning,
How is everyone? I am still waking up and having coffee but I thought I should post now. Today I am finishing up a very exciting order, after I get back from my morning walk. Fusion Beads is going to carry my new beads on their site. I am super excited about this opportunity because they are really great people and they have really great beads. I have been working on these new beads for quite awhile and today the last load goes in the kiln. And.... I figured out that I can watch movies on my laptop(I know, I am slow) so I have a bunch of documentaries lined up and ready to go. I subscribed to one of those online movie rental places and I can watch movies online. I am looking forward to my day of glazing and learning interesting things.
Okay, so back to my beads....that's what we're here for, right? I have posted a picture of some of my new pieces. I will post more tomorrow and hopefully I will even have some on Etsy tomorrow. We will see how things go.
I would love to hear what you think about the new stuff......