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It's Done!

Yahoo! There it is, my new studio. I got the last piece today. The coffee table.,I found it at the Habitat for Humanity Store in town. I love that place. It was an old school table and it has adjustable legs. It works perfect for my coffee table/bead designing table. Let me show you around....
This is my wall of storage. The table on the left holds my ceramic beads. The cabinets hold all of my other craft supplies, display items, and packaging.
There is my big pegboard with my bead strands.
This is my designing area. See, I make ceramic beads all day and then I like to design at night in my down time. This is my solution, I can plop on the couch, watch some TV and design in comfort. That's what I will be doing tonight.

I will take some better pictures and some close-ups later in the week. I need to get my lamps fixed, I have two that broke during the move. Okay it's off to work in my new space.

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