Got something new for you today! EEk! I am so excited about these. I know I get excited quite a bit and if you know me, it's really true, I do get excited quite a bit.
I love these, they are ceramic bezels.
I started making some bezels last year, but whenever I used resin in them, I messed things up. Soooo, I took Susan Lenart Kazmer's class at Bead and Button this past June. It was a resin class and I brought my bezels with me. I learned a lot and it turns out I didn't have very good resin. Now that I know what I am doing, I feel a new obsession coming on.
Here are the bezels empty. This is how they come to you if you order them. I didn't glaze the inside back. That way if you're gluing something inside it will stick better. I sealed the backs that I left empty with school glue. The outside back and the front and all of the edges have shiny glaze like all of my other beads. You can see them on my website under the category of pendants.
Below are three finished pieces I made with my new resin pendants. This is one is made with a little beachy scrapbook embellishment I found at the craft store. I have had the bamboo beads forever, just waiting for the right piece. I like the beachy look.

This necklace is my favorite, I am actually wearing it right now. Come to think of it, I bought these Lucite balls a long time ago too. They were just waiting for the perfect piece. Hmm, got a theme going. Anyway, the inside of the pendant is stacked paper and beads. There are a few cookie sprinkles in their too.

I have always said if I could figure out a way to get glitter on my beads I would do it. I love the shiny stuff. This is resin mixed with glitter, and a button with a jewel stacked on top.

You might be wondering what kind of resin I have been using. Well, I bought some of the resin that I used in class. It's called Ice Resin and it is easy to use. You mix two equal parts together in the little mixing cups and you are ready. It's not smelly at all which is nice too. I bought it at Objects and Elements. I have heard good things about other resins too, so I don't think this is your only option, it's just what I used this time. Let me know if you have any resins you like, I would love to hear.
Have a great day,