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And we have a winner!

We have a winner! Debby Beck, you are the winner of the bead box. I will mail out your prize tomorrow. Congratulations!

Didn’t win? There is still one more drawing tonight and then the big one tomorrow. The next prize is a set of holiday ornaments. These are fun ornaments for your tree or wherever you want to hang them. You get the ones shown in the photo, but here is a picture if one I took in my yard. I stand by this little tree everyday when I fetch with my dog. I am always careful to not let Otis trample it because I want it to grow up to be big. But for the time being, it reminds me of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. It really needed an ornament, now if it would just snow here in Georgia.

If you have already sent your name into me, don’t worry you are still in the drawing. If you haven’ sent me an e-mail or a comment, what are you waiting for, get your name in. The drawing will be at 10:00.

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