But in the meantime....it's that time of the year again to be cleaning and organizing. I spent a few days last week going through the studio sorting beads mostly. They never stay in their place. I am gathering one of a kinds for my annual clearance sale. I still can't tell you when that will be, because I don't know. It will be when I get everything photographed and listed on Etsy. I would like to think maybe next week, I will keep you informed. Right now I have quite a big pile of beads to photograph.
As soon as the clearance sale is over, then I will be spiffing up the shops and blog. You know I am not one to keep the same look for long. I have been working on some new graphics and they will be up soon. I can't wait to unveil them, so that is giving motivation to get this clearance sale going.
I also have the Buyers Market of American Craft next month in Philadelphia. I will be posting about getting a wholesale line of jewelry together and what it takes to do the show. I am thinking about taking you through the process like the retail show I did in the fall. I can't believe it's so soon!

Have a great day,