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Up To My Eyeballs in Buttons

Hey Hey, Happy Saturday! The response to my buttons for Quilt Shops has been amazing. I have been making buttons for the last few days straight. Oh, how I wish I could sew them on some of my matching fabric......someday. I designed the card that my buttons will be shipped to stores on. They go to the printer next week.

I showed you this picture before, these are the buttons that were going on the display boards for the quilt shops to see. They have been glued on and shipped out. But I love looking at all my hard work together like that. Below is a picture of a tray of buttons I have ready for the first firing. The first firing is called the bisque, these will be fired to 2000 degrees.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, I am hoping to enjoy this beautiful spring weather and I want to do some sewing. I might just have to set up the machine on the back porch!

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