Hello, Hello,
I just decorated my tree so I have ornaments on the brain. I decided to pull out as many ornaments photos I could. Next week the Art Bead Scene is hosting an ornaments blog hop. Stop by here on Thursday, December 7th for the scoop. It should be fun! I will have a new ornament to show you.
This week is craaaa-zeee. It's studio moving time. Which means that it's also house re-do time. Yesterday I started painting the studio. I forgot my camera so I will have to give you a sneak peek later. I have more additions to make to the walls in the next few days. But because we are moving out of the basement studio tomorrow night, that means we will once again have a rec room. We have plans to get a new floor, paint, build bookshelves, and more. Crazy amounts of things to do in such little time before the holidays. But, if you haven't figured this out bu now, we Heynen's are crazy like that.
Oh and I have jury duty all week! What timing, eh?
Enjoy the ornaments, I will blog again soon with all the updates.....