Good day!
I want to apologize for my absence....in setting up the studio there have been some technical difficulties. Nik and I, well really Nik is still trying to get the computer up and running at the studio. It shouldn't be too long and I will be back to blogging and e-mailing.
Things are super busy around here. I have several big orders that I am trying to get out before the holidays. Another reason for my absence....
I thought I would give you a sneak peek of some new work. I am working on some new beads and kits for January. This is all you get for now, come back in January for more. I can't wait to show you, I think you will like it.
As for the rest of this year....here are the dates you need to know. Last day for website orders is December 17th, that's this Friday! Wow! Etsy orders can be placed all the way until December 21st. If you're placing an order late and you want it in time for Christmas, you might have to pay some extra shipping. I will e-mail you if that is necessary.
Jangles will then be closed from December 23rd- January 2nd for the holidays. I need a break after the year I have had!
I promise to post more studio photos as soon as the computer is up and running.
Have a great day,