Not much to say to day, but I still wanted to check in and say "Hi"
Nik and I filled out our calendar for spring the other night. Yikes! Really it's not that bad, he's got a couple of trips, I have a couple of trips you know. But I just feel like all of my beautiful spring weekends are taken up and they haven't even started. I am trying to chill out about it all. But one of the things I should mention is this...
The Cotton Patch Quilt Guild,
Hot Threads, Cool Quilts, Quilt Show
Hot Threads, Cool Quilts, Quilt Show
The show is in a couple of weeks and I will have a booth at the show. It's in my town and just down the road from my studio. If you're in the area you should come by. I went to the show two years ago as an attendee and was amazed at the talent in our area. The quilts were amazing and I bought some fun stuff too. My shop will be open the same weekend as well so make a day out of it and come see both.
Yep, you heard right, my shop will be open! Wahoo... My first day open will be March 1st. I will post more details when it gets closer.
Have a great day,
Have a great day,