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Beads and Quilts

Hi y'all, I didn't really have much to say in my post today. That rarely happens, but I miss you and wanted to blog. So..... lots of making and glazing going on today. I have a nice pile of orders that are taking top priority today. I also have this big list of new beads I want to make.

Let's see what is happening here...

I spent the weekend at my local quilt show, it was a lot of fun seeing friends and meeting new people. I also got the chance to tell a lot of people about the gallery. It was fun to hear how excited people were. Oh, and I have a picture...

I also added some fun little bead sets to the Etsy shop last night. I like these little sets of threes a lot. Maybe a pendant and earrings or a swing necklace?

I feel lots of jewelry making coming on...I think the spring weather is inspiring me..I am exploding with ideas.

Talk to ya soon!

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