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What's Up

Look at this adorable quilt! It was made by Bev over at 44th street fabrics. She's got an Etsy shop that happens to carry my fabric as well. I love that striped border, it makes me want to sew.....

Boy I am on a "once a week" blog kick aren't I? I told you I was busy. I will take some pictures around the studio today to show you. Plus, those pictures will be good for reminding me why I need to get organized. But in the meantime I thought I would show you the quilt and I am late on this but I still love it.....The muffin tin challenge. Did you see that over at the Art Bead Scene? You take a muffin tin and fill it up with 12 different sets of beads for projects. Then you sit down and make them. It's super smart and great for organizing. You must check it out.

Seriously, I am coming back tomorrow with studio shots.... I will show you my "problem areas".

Talk to you soon!

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