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Repost - Back From Create

Back from CREATE

Hey, Hey,
I am back! Actually I have been back for a week now but I am swamped more than I have ever been...more on that later. CREATE was so much fun. It was four days of just having fun making things. I am in love with mixed media, which if you read my blog you would know, and this was a great chance for me to play. So here a a few of the things I made.

I took a class from Kelli Perkins, it was a painted fabric workshop. There was so much more than painting involved. We painted and stitched, then scanned the paintings into the computer. They were then printed out on fabric, painted again, embellished, drawn on, and stitched again. This wall hanging needs to be trimmed and of course, embellished with beads.

Another great class was with Sue Pelletier, she is a mixed media genius. This class was called Birdscapes, that explains all of the birds. We layered and layered and then layered some more in this class. Sue was super and gave us all kinds of secret weapons to use in our projects.

This was part of the class kit we received. Yummy and right up my alley. I brought home some extra kits she had and soon you might see some on Etsy. That is if I can part with it.

Here are the rest of the pieces, I made nine in all and was given the title of over achiever and was called that all week. I can't help that I make a lot of stuff. You should have seen my car on the way home!
Above is a picture from class. Notice the plastic on the floors? Every class room was covered in it. Poor hotel people, the place had just been remodeled and in come a bunch of crazy paint brush carrying women. I am sure we stressed them out.

I loved Sue's techniques so much I took a second class with her. It was called drop cloth girls and actually I liked the idea of doing the fam instead. Here they are.

Last, was a class from Bob Maloney. It was a color and texture class. We learned fun painting techniques. I painted 11 different canvases but I didn't take photos of them all. I want to try some furniture with these techniques.

As you can see it was lots of fun. As soon as I walked in the door, I remembered how much work I still have to do for the next few weeks. Fabric will be hitting stores any day now, which means buttons will be too. That's where I come in. The girls and I are working like crazy so that the orders can ship at the same time.

I am also working on some sewing patterns. These will debut next month if all goes well. (fingers crossed) I am pretty sure some of you non sewers will like them also. I can't wait to share them with you.

I am off to paint buttons, and lots of them... It's nice to be back blogging, I missed all of you, please leave me a comment and tell me what you've been up to.

Have a great day,
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