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Hey, Hey, Before I jump into 2013 at full speed I thought it would be a good idea to look and back and see what all happened in 2012. There were big changes and it was the first year I ever chose a word instead of listing my goals. I have to say it was awesome and I have chosen another word for this year, but we'll save that for another year. This years word was Clear and boy did I do that.

The biggest clearing I did was my studio. I decided to simplify my studio, which was a big and painful decision. I let go my employee, moved out of my studio, and slowed down my button production. It was the the best thing for my stress levels and happiness. I still love to see pictures of my gallery.

Tussie Mussie my third fabric line arrived in February and Jolly Holiday arrived in May and Extraordinary World arrived in October. It was a fabulous year for fabric design. I LOVE LOVE LOVE designing.

I also got to debut a line of jewelry and handbags for Caffco in January at the Atlanta Giftmart.

Then with all of my clearing and feeling less stressed, we, really, I decided to add a puppy to the mix. That's when Rhubarb arrived.

It was good timing because I was moving my studio home.

I also did some sewing

Some beading

Some Painting

I can't wait to see what 2013 brings...a few things are in the works that I couldn't be more excited about.

I hope you 2012 was a good one...

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