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The Latest from Jennifer Jangles

Hello, Hello,

I just thought I would pop in and say hey. It's been awhile since I just told you whats going on. Today is the first day of school for my boys. Yippee! We had an awesome summer full of travel. Couldn't of asked for a better one. With all that travel and having kids around it makes funny work hours, late night cramming, and putting things off.

So in the last few days I have run out of clay, my kiln has broken, and my sewing machine has broken. Seriously. I really want to get a newsletter out this week among other things. I guess everything I have put off is making itself known today.

Really all I wanted to do this week is get going on my Holiday Projects. It's only 2 months until they start! I've got plans underway, but I always want to do bigger and better than the last.

If you want to check out my past Holiday Projects you can go to the sidebar on the left of the blog, they are listed among the projects. Or search holiday projects at the top of the blog. If you want to receive this years make sure your signed up for my monthly newsletters. You can do that on the right sidebar of the blog.

Have a great day,

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