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Applique Glasses Case

Hey Hey, so far there have been lots of holiday decorations on the blog and in the holiday projects. Today, were going to start gearing up for some gift making. Here's a case for glasses, I'm sure everyone knows someone who could use a case for their reading or sun glasses. Her's the how-to.

Printed glasses applique
Two pieces of cotton fabric cut to  4 1/2" x 8 1/2" for outer case
Two pieces of cotton fabric cut to  4 1/2" x 8 1/2" for inner case
Two pieces of bating cut to  4 1/2" x 8 1/2"
One piece 3" x 7" for frames
One piece 3" x 6" for lenses
Paper backed fusible webbing

1. Begin by cutting the fabric according to the sizes listed in the supplies. 

2. Trace the frames and two lenses onto paper baked fusible webbing. I used Heat n Bond Lite for the project. Roughly cut out the pieces and then iron them on to their corresponding fabrics. Cut the pieces out on the pencil lines.

3. Arrange and iron into place on the center of one of the outer case pieces. Using free motion or an appliqué stitch, sew around the fabric appliqué to secure.

4. Place the two short sides of an outer fabric to one of the lining pieces with right sides together. Arrange a pieces of batting on top of the fabric. Sew down the one short side, press open and set aside. Repeat these steps for the remaining two fabrics and batting piece.

5. Pin the two case pieces together with the outer pieces aligning and the inner pieces together. Starting on the short side of the two lining pieces, sew around the entire outer edge. Leave a 2" opening in the short side of the lining for turning.

6. Clip the corners and turn right sides out.

7. Hand stitch the opening in the lining closed.

8. Tuck the lining into the case.

Have a great day!

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