You know I make a lot of softies right? I had that whole Little Love Bunny thing where I couldn't just make one. Well, I've got a couple of great ideas if you like to make softies as much as I do.
First is an ongoing soft toy drive to help foster kids. It's called the FLUFF Project and is run by Kristy at Hopeful Threads. You can read about the FLUFF Project here and how to send her softies to help these kids in need. I am sending these softies today to her.
The second soft toy drive goes along with the Six Weeks of Softies Challenge over at the Sew Mama Sew Blog. This toy drive only goes until the end of the month (April 2015) so you can send yours softies to them but it will have to be soon. These bunnies are headed off to them today.
I think from here on, I will make multiples of every softie I sew that way I will always have extras to send to the FLUFF Project. I really hope you'll do the same.
Have a good day,

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