Monarch Butterfly Felt Sewing Kit
Felt Basics
Cutting the felt: Pattern pieces can be cut out and pinned onto corresponding felt colors. Cutting quantities are also on each pattern piece. On smaller pieces, I find it easier to hold the pattern pieces while cutting instead of pinning.
Floss: When stitching your kit, you'll want to use 3 strands of floss. The floss in your kit is six strand floss. Cut the floss to approximately 18” for stitching. This length prevents the frustration of knots and tangles that can happen with longer lengths. Separate the floss into the desired number of strands by pulling them apart. Thread the needle and tie a knot at one end.
Sewing: All pieces are sewn with 3 strands of floss unless noted in the instructions. I use and recommend the whip stitch to sew this felt project. See instructions below for guidance using the whip stitch, straight stitch, and French knots.

Step by Step
If you need any help with the steps in this pattern, here are a few extra photos of the steps to give you a closer look.
Fun Facts
•Monarchs have a remarkable long-distance migration. In North America, monarchs overwinter in both Mexico and along the California coast. Monarch butterflies are found throughout the U.S. (including Hawaii, but not Alaska), southern Canada, southern Portugal and Spain, Caribbean Islands, Australia, New Zealand, and other Pacific Islands.
•Monarchs are in the butterfly family Nymphalidae. Members of this family appear to have only 4 legs, but they really do have 6. The front pair of legs is greatly reduced in size and tucked up under the head.
•Butterfly wings are densely covered with scales that improve their aerodynamic efficiency. The upper surface of the thorax is covered with long hair-like scales that help retain heat.
•The bright patterned orange and black wings of monarchs advertise that they taste bad to predators. Monarchs retain toxins (known as cardiac glycosides) from the milkweed they eat as caterpillars (or larvae), making them poisonous to most vertebrates.
•Breeding monarchs live two to five weeks. A female may lay several hundred eggs in her lifetime. Eggs hatch after about four to six days in average spring and summer temperatures.

Don't have the Monarch Butterfly kit yet? You can buy it here!